What Does it Take to Thrive at an Acton Academy?
The Wilder School is one of 300 world-wide Acton Academy affiliates. We all follow the same learning philosophy and have the made the same promises to our families that each child who enters our doors will find their calling and change their world.
In this highly aspirational environment, what does it take to be successful?
What does success look like?

Top 10 Acton Practices that Changed My Family’s Life: #4
When your child encounters challenges, how do you respond?
In her reflection, Acton Academy Parent and co-founder, Laura Sandefer, shares how transitioning responsibility for decision making to her children contributed to a happy, healthy home dynamic.

Top 10 Acton Practices that Changed My Family’s Life: #3
Do you enjoy reading? Do your children enjoy reading?
For some, reading is a way to learn something new, travel the world, develop a new perspective, or escape from reality.
Why is reading an important element of family life and what immediate impact could it make on your family?

Top 10 Acton Practices that Changed My Family’s Life: #2
In a world where having answers to problems is so highly valued, and yet through the proliferation of technology and discovery it has become impossible to know all things… what is the most important skill you could develop as an adult?

Top 10 Acton Practices that Changed My Family’s Life
Parenting is an art, not a science. It is about doing your best, and when you know better, doing better. It is about observing and listening, then modifying your approach - all actions that won’t prove effective until those actions are well in the rearview mirror.
In her reflection, Acton Academy Parent and co-founder, Laura Sandefer, provides a view into what actions contributed to a happy, healthy home dynamic.

What’s In A Name?
On the anniversary of the creation of The Wilder School, it is important that we share the story of our namesake. Our name, Wilder, is a nod to the person who walked a Hero’s Journey and made it possible for us to do the same: Alfred F. Wilde, Jr.

The Slippery Slope of Technology – Our Family Dilemma
We all struggle to balance technology use - for ourselves and for our kids. In our world today there is a constant battle to manage the ever-existing pull to our screens, Laura Sandefer, describes the real truth of this dilemma to help us gain some much needed perspective.

Why Wilder?
From a place of authenticity, we support all families in their pursuit of the best education for their families. And equally so, we need to provide an answer to the question: In an area flush with school choice… Why Wilder?

STEAM Lab Fridays
Join The Wilder School for an afternoon of STEAM projects in our new STEAM Lab. Projects will vary each week and will offer children the opportunity to innovate, tinker, craft, mold, and experiment.

High Tech, High Touch
You can see it and feel it: the emphasis on human relationship is tangible in our school studio. No one can hide under the radar. No one can slip through the cracks. No one can go a day without being noticed, engaged with and known.

Joy + Rigor = Mastery
A recent visitor was struck by how hard learners were working for long periods of time. “Your community is clearly rigorous.” Yes, we believe that every child is a genius. AND, genius and talent are wasted without a focused discipline toward excellence and mastery. How do children develop the grit AND joy that comes with hard work?

Measuring Learning
At The Wilder School: An Acton Academy, the lack of report cards can be confusing for prospective families. How will we know that children are learning, and that they have a thorough understanding of the material they learned?

The Life of a Wilder School Parent
In her powerful story below, one Acton Academy parent shares her journey at an affiliate of The Wilder School.

Granted: STEAM Makerspace
The Wilder School has been awarded a $10,000 grant from VELA Education Fund. Our proposal: a STEAM Makerspace where children can tinker, craft, mold, and experiment.

The Wilder School: Leading Education Innovation
After a visit to The Wilder School, Forbes published a first-hand review of their experience and reports that the trend of families seeking innovative education models is not a fad - it’s the modern method for growing strong, independent children.

A Day at The Wilder School
A day at The Wilder School is best characterized by creativity within constraints: large blocks of time for work and play with clear but broad guardrails, equipping young people to manage their time, set goals, and track progress. What is a day in the life of our learners like?

The Value of Questions
From the daily workings of our studios through to online meetings with prospective families, asking questions is a major component of The Wilder School. So in a world where solutions (or answers) are pursued, why would we place such a high value on asking questions?

Why we are sending our children to a micro-school
Micro-schools - private or independent schools with as few as 10 or as many as 150 children - have become an increasingly desirable education option for families in the wake of the pandemic. It is a term that is becoming part of public discourse, but what does it mean? And why would my family be interested in one?

Information Session
Learn about our Elementary Studio, for ages 6-10, our Discovery Studio opening Fall 2022 for ages 4-6, and our plans for our Middle School Studio in the Fall of 2023.

Homeschooler’s Game Day
Join The Wilder School for a morning of board games. We welcome children ages 6-11 to bring their favorite game or to come play ours for a chance to socialize and practice real-world skills.